The scraps Impact

The beautiful thing about the earth is the abundant ability to create wonderful things. As generations have began to rely on technology we don’t even know what is around us when we are in nature.

Leaves, Pine Needles, Dandilions, Juniper berries. The things we see as scraps of the earth, something to uproot, throw away and get rid of. These can all be used to dye fabric, and create natural beautiful colors.

Pine Needles are weaved into baskets. Leaves are ground cover for rich soil, and a home to our favorite little bugs. Juniper berries are commonly used to create gin. Dandelions are a rich medicine to aid in digestion and is anti-inflammatory. What is around us has so many uses, we haven’t needed them anymore. Rit dye or some machine can do the job for us.

While evolution and growth is beautiful, it can be so easy for us to become completely disconnected from what is around us.

My challenge to you, go outside, find something you never noticed before, and be in awe of what it can gift you with.


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